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tHE Warrawee cROQUET cLUB

The Warrawee Croquet Club has everything you need to try the sport! We play the traditional game of Association Croquet and the most popular and simple version of the sport - Golf Croquet. Both played on the same layout of lawn; the skills required for each overlap and it’s not uncommon for people to play both forms of the game.

Our members thoroughly enjoy their social games, especially the interaction and companionship with friends that Croquet is renowned for, ‘A social tap and chat’ that provides exercise and a benefit to one’s health, mental acuity and longevity.

Approximately half of our members participate in both social and competitive matches.

Visitors are always welcome and members are pleased when asked to explain and demonstrate either game.


For prospective new members we conduct free Association Croquet coaching classes on Tuesday morning from 10-00am. Golf Croquet coaching classes on Friday afternoon from 1-00pm.

All Croquet equipment is supplied free by the club during the introductory and coaching periods.

Tuesday Association Croquet introductory coaching requirements please contact Robert at :

Friday Golf Croquet introductory coaching requirements please contact Peter at :

Elite personalised coaching for Association and Gold Croquet. Please contact Alison Sharpe from ‘Sharpe Shots’ :


Prospective new players wear casual clothing or normal comfortable sports attire with flat sole shoes such as walkers or joggers. A summer hat and sunglasses are also recommended.

Members wear their club shirt when playing Club competitions, Pennant matches and when representing the club competitively.


Introductory coaching is provided free for the first month at mutual convenient times, this allows you to gauge the level of interest before committing to full membership and moving on further with lessons by an accredited coach on shot play, strategy and rules.

For membership information please go to MEMBERSHIP PAGE on this site.



Australian Croquet Association

Croquet NSW